Corfu – the last Greek island

It’s August 23rd and I am boarding Lotos again, this time also with my dear Clara. I meet here my old friends – Luigi, Marco and Belle, and one new guy, David, who comes from Liverpool and will sail with us until the end. On the way from airport we received a warm welcome in one local Greek restaurant with live music.

spaceship Next day we took a car trip around the island. Luigi and David did great job as  guides – they`ve been here for 4 more days, so they chose the most beautiful places for us. Beaches, sandy cliffs, mountains, monastery with spaceship, old town of Kerkyra with fortress…

The day after, on 25th August we said goodbye to the last Greek port. We started our longest cruise of 153 miles from Gouvia Marina (Corfu) to Bar (Montenegro). Weather was very nice to us – there was a southern wind, strong enough to let us sail for 20 hours of total 33. We also met a thunderstorm in the open sea on Albanian borders. Luigi dressed up to his wetsuit and David took off his t-shirt with words: “It`s easier to dry a body than clothes..”


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