First day for Lucas

30 August 2013

Luigi told me that as the new member of the crew I should write about my first day on the boat. After spending 2 days in Athens I took a bus to Patras. I was 10 minutes late to catch the express bus, so I took the next one, which took longer (3 hours).  I arrived around 12:30, in time for lunch which was being prepared by Belle and Marco, those in charge of cooking and cleaning on that day.

After eating we prepared to leave Patras (as they were all just waiting for me). There was good wind so we were able to sail! That was the first time I actually saw Lotos in real action! We then stopped in Lepanto, a nice small city with a beautiful beach. We swam for a while, but not long, and then headed a little further until we finally got to Trizonia. We dropped the anchor to spend the night a couple of meters from the actual port. We were not the only one, we had quite a few neighbors doing the same. A Canadian boat, a French and a Italian as well. After supper, also prepared by the team Belle/Marco, we sat on the deck and to close the night I had the pleasure to do a little concert to the rest of the crew. A nice atmosphere and a great experience after 4 days with no guitar for me!

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