First leg gone

Finally we have stable internet connection and a peaceful evening to give you report about next 10 days of our journey.

We originally planned to keep you informed more frequently, but we were struggling with local mobile data connection until now.

19/6 Day 2: Umag – Rovinj

23,6NM – mostly sailing with 15kt on our back, mooring on a buoy in Rovinj, evening dinghy trip to the town, luxurious dinner

Rivenj town

20/6 Day 3: Rovinj – Limski kanal (Limfjord) – Rovinj

15 NM – quiet sightseeing trip to the Lim channel, bad weather from south arrives in the afternoon, we take shelter in ACI marina Rovinj

21/6 Day 4: Rovinj – Pula

26 NM – hard sailing against 10-15kt SE winds, arriving in ACI Pula in the afternoon, visit of the town, Roman monuments

Roman Amfitheathre Pula

22/6 Free day

visit of NP Brijuni – a chapter itself.. simply amazing place

23/6 Shit day

We were planning to leave at 11, but we got stuck in T-Mobile office for 3 hours waiting in the queue.. When we arrived to the boat, we found that one of us had filled up the diesel tank with water. It took whole day to arrange taking all 200 liters of this beautiful mix out. Fortunately Luigi had installed electro-valves that cut off the tank from engine when it’s not running. Mechanics came with barrels and pumped all tank out and cleaned it thoroughly. Then we filled it up with new diesel. Expensive mistake, but quickly resolved.

24/6 Day 5: Pula – Unije

38 NM – crossing the Kvarner channel under sail, “bordeggiando” against 15 kts of SE-S, anchoring in a wide bay Luka Unije

Sailing Lotos

25/6 Day 6: Unije – Sv. Nikola (Olib)

42,7 NM – cloudy day, but beautiful sailing with southern wind up to 20 kts, second reef and most of all – Anders caught a FISH finally!


26/6 Day 7: Sv. Nikola (Olib) – Zadar

24,5 NM – no more wind, we get up early and motor to Zadar to see something during our one-night stop. For lunch we have sushi (maki) prepared from our fresh tuna. Afternoon downtown, Jessica arrives for the dinner.



27/6 Day 8: Zadar – Sali

25,2 NM – Clara leaves us in the morning, at 11 we set off towards NP Kornati. After one hour of motoring and briefing of new crew member we take out sails and with 10 knots in our back take lunch in silent and very pleasant dead-run. Around 16 we are cooked and as we are near to our destination, we can stop at anchor and take a beautiful swim. An hour later we are excellently landing in Sali – we are getting well coordinated. 🙂


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