July, 2 Karistos

Sailing from Lavrio port we made good time with a 20 knot headwind gusting to sometimes 30knots. Going north, we made for Karistos, about 30 miles away and the sailing was very fun as usual. At the end, aproaching the island we decided to motor because of a terrible head-wind. We stayed in at the port, putting out two anchors because of the high winds, and have called it home for the last few days. Hiking up twice to the castle on the top of a mountain and getting fresh biscottis (still warm) for breakfast, and last night watched the soccer match between Italy and Espana (Italy lost). Spending some time as well at the nearby beach. The winds are the cause of us staying longer than expected but this is traveling, to deviate from “the plan” and make the best of it laughing. We were going to try and leave early this morning but again, the winds are very high, peaking 45knots in the harbor and spraying water with the gusts. Hiking to the castle on the top of the mountain with the castle it was hard to almost walk into the wind! Today we plan to rent a car and explore the rest of the island and see what we can see. The car was rented and we thought to go up past the castle to a waterfall. After finding the correct road to go up the mountain it soon turned into a gravel road and the car was being shook from the wind. Below we could see the harbor was white from the high winds and up we went until, with no end in sight and the road getting rougher we turned around. Back into the town we had greek salads and coffee we left again for a more paved experience of the island with the small rental car. Going north we went some kilometers past where the map ended, getting out sometimes for pictures and stopping to walk around a small beach town. On the way back Gaylyn suddenly saw the sign for the “dragon houses” and turned up the little road. Earlier in the day we were spinning the tires to get up the hill but this road was not as steep but quite rough for the little rental car. Bumping and rocking along we laughed as we ascended to the infamous dragon houses. Reaching the end of the gravel road we hiked the final way to them. Consisting of three structures built so the roof was about ground level they had stacked slabs of stone placed so that they formed a roof and dated back to 600bc. Very interesting and had shelves built into the corners and a courtyard between the three structures. Back at the boat, Italo and Silvana are preparing risotto, good things and a great day today.

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