
The Knife Saga

Sometimes when you are peacefully clearing the table, unexpected things happen. The knife you are stacking bounces off the plate, bounces off the step, bounces off the edge of the boat, and falls into the ocean. Despite the best intentions and prolonged searchings of our mermaid sailmate, Mikaela, the knife does not appear. The skipper …

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On the way to Pasman

La Bum after just leaving Marina Dalmacija, Croatias largest  full service marina, where we bought some bolts for the rail of the main sail. Now on our way to Pašman island and there we will anchor in the Uvala Soline bay.

Somebody’s got to do it

Its a terribly rough life floating around beautiful islands on a great boat with lovely people! But somebody has got to do it… I’m feeling very lucky indeed to be on a sailing adventure through the Croatian islands with Luigi and all the great people aboard La Bum. Now, bring me that horizon..

Start 2018 cruising

To avoid continuous perturbations we navigated 120 nm in two days arriving to beautiful lagoon in North of Dugi Otok call Veli Rat.  Many buoys to select but only our boat was there without any charge for staying there. From here only few miles per day, relax and good weather.