Ceiling can’t hold us

Spring works are underway! The new solar panels arrived, so we started to dismantle ceiling in the saloon to access and install the cabling. Unfortunately the ceiling was never thought to be removed, so we had to be a little bit destructive. 

After removing the soft ceiling cover we found the wooden plate above had been made all in one piece, and probably installed in the factory before assembling the walls. After discussing with almost everyone in marina we had no other option but to cut it into two pieces.

We were quite successful stripping the ceiling until we arrived to the searchlight passage in the front part. The wooden desk was attached by many layers of glue and resin, so we had to fight our way through. After dismantling the light we decided to not undergo complicated installation again and to buy new electronic searchlight.

Striping down the ceiling – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

Anyways, the ceiling is completely removed now and the installation of solar panels can go on.

Stay tuned for next news!

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