June, 21 Luigi birthday

Today marks the birthday of the captain Luigi and after breakfast we sang happy birthday. Luigi, Renato, Luciano, and I then were dropped off on the shore and started walking, the most basic form of travel. We were entering the island from the back-door and started at a taverna where we landed on a run-down dirt road. Winding through the hills overlooking the ocean it passed goat farms and great views. Passing a beach it turned into pavement and we met a french couple who also sailed here and we walked together to the Chora of Kithnos located in the near center of the island. Five-kilometers later we arrived to the almost ghost-town and only saw life on the main road. Although, all of the flowers were watered and the streets were clean. Stopping at the bakery we bought some bread and had some laughs with the Italian, English, and Greek language barriers and then to a market. We managed to get a taxi to take us back to the boat in time for a prepared and waiting lunch by the great Gino. We then all took part in cleaning the boat (scrubbing the teak deck and wiping the salt off of everything). After this a swim was good to cool down. We told the taverna just on the shore that it was Luigi’s birthday and they said they would kill one of the goats and we could eat there.

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