Mirina – August, 7

Yesterday, in the early morning we were woken up by Nicoletta, Michele, Raffaella arriving toLemnos. Early morning coffee followed by a day getting supplies and settling into the boat, Nicoletta prepared a delicious lunch. In the evening we walked up to the castle and saw the resident deer on our way up to the, as always, wonderful view of the harbor and grand panorama. This morning, after the many maintenances of Lotos and 11 days in port, we leftLemnosmarina and sailed east to a very quiet bay. This was a good contrast to the busy port and the day was spent reading, swimming, and relaxing. For dinner Nicoletta made pizza from scratch and we prepare for a crossing tomorrow. We are all happy that the fuel problem is finished, the winches are “smooth like butter”,we have lots of food onboard, and are once again underway.

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